Ambit + Blog

We Value Human Connection

At Ambit Search, we have always believed that human connection – meeting people face-to-face – is essential to doing our job well.  For 13 years, we have met with clients and candidates in person, sat down with them and gotten to know them.  Many of these first meetings have developed into longer-term business relationships and even friendships.  It’s always been about the people.

So how do we keep that connection while so many of us are working from home, social distancing or in self-quarantine?  Here are some things that we think are important:

  • Talk to people. Pick up the phone and call your mother, your aunt and uncle, whom you don’t see very often, and your friends.  Think about the people in your world who can’t go out at all right now – those with compromised immune systems or the elderly – and call them;
  • Have a conversation with your neighbours whether it’s on your porch, steps or balcony.  You can have a meaningful interaction from 6 feet away;
  • Take your dog for a walk or go for one yourself in a non-crowded park or on a walking trail, even sharing a wave and a smile with another person can help;
  • When you do go to the grocery store, drug store etc. thank the staff you interact with for coming to work;
  • Pull out those board games that have been gathering dust in your closet and play with family, see how long you can keep the game going – coming back to it every evening for at least an hour.

While connecting through technology isn’t as satisfying as meeting in person, for now it’s what we have.  Here are just a few small, simple ways to keep in touch with colleagues, friends and family:

  • If you have people close to you in self-isolation or quarantine, stand outside their window or door while talking to them on the phone so you can see each other in person rather than on a screen;
  • Host a virtual gathering for your friends using Skype, Face Time, Zoom or other video-enabled app;
  • Attend a virtual exercise class – many gyms, yoga studios and fitness centres are conducting classes on-line (this is also a great way to continue supporting the small gyms and studios in your neighbourhood).

Like many, our Ambit team is working remotely, shifting our services from face-to-face to phone and Skype. Thanks to significant technological investments, we are able to continue to work with you during this challenging time.

We look forward to getting back to the office, and once again meeting with you in person, when the situation allows, but in the meantime, let’s stay connected. Stay safe. Be well.

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